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Sound systems: We are equipped with Hi Tech sound systems in best brands as we do not compromise on quality. This enbles us to cater to indoor & outdoor functions.


Audio-Visuals: Whether it’s a small or large venue, we have all sizes of front and back projection screens, LCD monitors, multimedia projectors, AV switchers and sound equipment including all types of branded microphones.


Lighting Effects: We are equipped with Hi Tech latest Lighting effects, enabling us to cater to events ranging from small get-togethers to weddings, gala nights to live concerts/ shows.


Stages, LED Wall Backdrops and hall arrangements – We are capable of providing all types of stages, LED Walls, Backdrops, pennants, flags, theme decorations, hall & table décor to suite your them


We’re Here To Help If you have a question, no matter how large or small, we’d like to help. Call us: +94 729 729 000

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